Meet Dr. Konstantinos Papakonstantinou

Delivering Elegant, Natural Beauty Through The Art Of Plastic Surgery


M.D , MPH, FRCS (C), FACS(cand)

Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

Aesthetic Surgery, Microsurgery, Hand Surgery, Head and Neck Surgery,

Pediatric Plastic Surgery, Craniofacial Surgery

Dr.  Konstantinos C. Papakonstantinou is a board-certified plastic surgeon based in Athens Greece, who also operates in other countries specializing in both cosmetic and reconstructive surgery procedures addressing all aspects of the body.

His education and training in plastic surgery spans prestigious medical institutions. Dr. Konstantinos Papakonstantinou, a graduate of the National University of Athens, completed training in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery of the University of Toronto), training in Microsurgery and Hand surgery (Department of Plastic Surgery at the Eastern Virginia Medical School at Norfolk, Virginia) and training in General Surgery (University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia). During this time, he was recognized for outstanding accomplishment in both surgical skill as well as leadership ability.

He has been licenced to practice Surgery in the Greece, USA, Canada. He is board certified by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, the European Board of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery and the Hellenic Board of Plastic Surgery. He is also Board Eligible by the American Board of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.

Having worked with and learned from some of the world`s best Reconstructive and Cosmetic Plastic Surgeons, after his return to Greece, he joined as a consultant the ATHENS MEDICAL PARTNERS Group pf Physicians. He is a consultant Plastic Surgeon and operates at the Hospitals of Hellenic Healthcare Group of Hospitals (Metropolitan General, Ygeia) and The IASO Group of Hospitals (IASO and IASO Children’s Hospital). He is also Scientific Collaborator and Surgeon at the 2nd Department of Surgery at the University of Athens Medical School at ARETAIEION Hospital.

As a Board Certified Consultant in Plastic Surgery, he remains on the cutting edge of advancements in the science and art of plastic surgery.

Dr. Papakonstantinou has a great interest in all aspects of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery including Aesthetic Surgery, Breast Reconstructive Surgery, Microsurgery, Hand Surgery, Peripheral Nerve Surgery, Pediatric Plastic Surgery and Craniofacial Surgery. Dr. Papakonstantinou has an additional interest in Plastic Surgery Research completing two Research Fellowships in the USA, focusing on gene therapy protocols. He has authored and co-authored a variety of scientific articles on Plastic and Reconstructive surgery in American Journals and is a member of many Surgical Societies.

With over 15 years of successful procedures and glowing clientele, his record is that of a plastic surgeon who provides outcomes that give his patients exactly what they expect from plastic surgery. His practice is built around the patient, ensuring that each step of the experience is custom tailored to provide maximum peace of mind for everyone who comes through.

As a board certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon, he has earned the respect of his patients as well as his peers. His skillful, aesthetic results are the result of uncompromising passion for his work, and it is thoroughly reflected in how his patients look and feel following their procedures. The plastic surgeon prefers a natural result, and works with patients to bring out the best of their inherent beauty.

For these procedures, he has a unique ability to assess each individual patient and make recommendations for the best possible outcome. Even though he has delivered big numbers of each procedure, he views each patient as though he has never performed them before.

C U R R I C U L U M    V I T A E


Date of birth: 03/22/1968

Place of birth: Athens, Greece




  1. Consultant  Plastic Surgeon at ATHENS MEDICAL PARTNERS
  4. Scientific Advisor – 2nd Department of Surgery – University of Athens – ARETAIEION Hospital
  5. Consultant  Plastic Surgeon at the following Hospitals:


T R A I N I N G  (Fellowships, Residency) :


July 2001 – June 2004 :

Residency in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery (PGYVI to PGYVIII), Division of Plastic Surgery, Department of Surgery, ‘University of Toronto Medical School’, Chairman: DR. Peter Neligan


July 1998 – Lune 2000 :

Clinical Fellowship in Microsurgery (PGYIV, PGYV), Division of Plastic Surgery, Department of Surgery, ‘Eastern Virginia in Medical School’, Program Director: Dr. Julia Terzis, Chairman: Dr. James Carraway.

July 1995 – June 1998 :  

Residency (PGYIII, PGYII, PGYI) in General Surgery, Department of Surgery, ‘Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania’ and ‘The Graduate Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania’, Chairmans: Dr. Clyde Barker and Dr. Charles Wolferth.

May 1992 – October 1993 :

Residency in Orthopaedic Surgery, Department of Orthopaedics, 251 Hellenic Air Force General Hospital, Chairman: Dr. Ioannis Gollias (Col)


U N D E R G R A D U A T E   A N D   P O S T G R A D U A T E   E D U C A T I O N  

January 2018: Enrolled in distant learning Masters in Public Health (MPH) program at European University of Cyprus. Expected graduation June 2020.

September 1985 – December 1991 :

National and Capodistrian University of Athens Medical School.  Degree : MD. Graduation grade: 8/10, Very Good, Rank: 10%.

November 1990 – December 1990 : 

Harvard University School of Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital : Clinical Clerkship in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Supervisor : Elof Eriksson, M.D.,Ph.D.

January 1991 –  March 1991 :

University of London, St. Thomas and Guy’s Hospitals Medical School : Clinical Clerkship in Internal Medicine. Supervisor : T.J.Gibson, M.D., F.R.C.P..



4th  MASTERCLASS  IN COLORECTAL LAPAROSCOPIC SURGICAL SKILL COURSE (2017)  –  “Postooncologic Reconstruction of the Perineum and the Genitals” – Organized by Department of Surgery HYGEIA Hospital and BRFAA, November 24th  2018, Athens Greece

3rd MASTERCLASS  IN HEAD AND NECK CANCER –  “Protocols in Oral Cavity Reconstruction– a Multidisciplinary Approach” – Organized by Hellenic Society for Head and Neck Cancer, September 16th 2018, Athens Greece

2st MASTERCLASS  IN HEAD AND NECK CANCER –  “Guidelines and Pitfalls of the Oral Cavity Reconstruction– a Multidisciplinary Approach” – Organized by Hellenic Society for Head and Neck Cancer, October 4th 2017, Athens Greece

1st MASTERCLASS  IN HEAD AND NECK CANCER –  “Postooncologic Plastic Surgery Reconstruction of the Oral Cavity – a Multidisciplinary Approach” – Organized by Hellenic Society for Head and Neck Cancer, July 15th  2017, Athens Greece




  1. “Debate on Breast reconstruction: The Role of the Plastic Surgeon versus the Oncoplastic Surgeon”, 3rd Panhellenic Congress of the Greek Gynecological Society for Breast Diseases, June 1st 2019, Athens Greece.
  2. “Current Practices in Breast Reconstruction and Radiation Therapy”, 2nd Breast Symposium, Errikos Ntynan Hospital, Department of Breast Surgery, October 6th 2018, Athens Greece.
  3. “Challenges and Pitfalls in Post-oncologic Oral Reconstruction”, 3rd Head and Neck Oncology Multidisciplinary Conference – Hellenic Society Head and Neck Oncology. October 5t, 2018, Athens Greece.
  4. “Quality of Life after Breast Reconstruction”. 3rd Breast Symposium New Developments MITERA Hospital, April 27th – 28th, Athens, Greece,
  5. “IGF – 1 and End to Side Neurorhaphy: A Dose Response Study”, Konstantinos Papakonstantinou, David Tiancgo, Julia Terzis. Combined meeting of American Society for Peripheral Nerve (ASPN) and American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery (ASRM), January 13-14, 2001, San Diego, California, USA.
  6. “Outcomes of brachial plexus reconstruction in 99 patients with obstetrical brachial plexus paralysis”. Julia T. Terzis, Konstantinos Papakonstantinou. Toronto Workshop on OBPP, May 25th and 26th 2001, Toronto, Canada.
  7. “Muscle Preservation by prolonged Sensory Protection”, Konstantinos Papakonstantinou, Daniel Ebert and Julia Terzis. Combined meeting of American Society for Peripheral Nerve (ASPN) and American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery (ASRM), January 13-14, 2001, San Diego, California, USA.
  8. “Gene Therapy to Enhance Direct Nerve to Muscle Neurotization”, Konstantinos Papakonstantinou, Michael Bates, Frank Liuzzi, Janos Luca, David Shine and Julia Terzis. Combined meeting of American Society for Peripheral Nerve (ASPN) and American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery (ASRM), January 13-14, 2001, San Diego, California, USA.
  9. “IGF – 1 and End to Side Neurorhaphy: A Dose Response Study”, Konstantinos Papakonstantinou, David Tiancgo, Julia Terzis, 6th World Hellenic Biomedical Congress, October 11-15, 2000, Athens, Greece.
  10. “Muscle Preservation by prolonged Sensory Protection”. Konstantinos Papakonstantinou, Daniel Ebert and Julia Terzis, 5th International Muscle Symposium, May 19-21, 2000, Vienna, Austria and 10th Congress of the Hellenic Societies of Hand Surgery and Reconstructive Microsurgery, November 1-4, 2000, Nafplion, Greece.
  11. “Gene Therapy to Enhance Direct Nerve to Muscle Neurotization”. Konstantinos Papakonstantinou, Michael Bates, Frank Liuzzi, Janos Luca, David Shine and Julia Terzis, 5th International Muscle Symposium, May 19-21, 2000, Vienna, Austria and 10th Congress of the Hellenic Societies of Hand Surgery and Reconstructive Microsurgery, November 1-4, 2000, Nafplion, Greece.
  12. “ Distraction Osteogenesis using IGF-1 after nerve Microreconstruction”, Konstantinos Papakonstantinou, Michael Bates, Woody Givens, Julia Terzis, American Society for Peripheral Nerve, June 19-23, 1999, Los Angeles, California, USA.
  13. “Outcome of Scapula Stabilization in Obstetrical brachial Plexus Surgery”, Julia Terzis, Konstantinos Papakonstantinou, American Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery, January 20-23, 1999, Hawaii, USA.
  14. “Gene Therapy in Plastic Surgery – Gene Therapy for Nerve Regeneration and Vessel Thrombosis”, Research Council of the American Association for Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, June 5-6, 1996, Washington University at St. Louis, Missouri, USA.
  15. “The use of Thrombolytic Genes for Post-anastomotic Thrombosis”, Konstantinos Papakonstantinou M.D., P.J.Asimakopoulos M.D., Saleh Shenaq M.D., Invited Presentation. Combined meeting of the International Surgical Society  “Michael E. DeBakey” and the Hawaii Surgical Society, Honolulu, June 25-26, 1996. Personal Presentation.
  16. “The Peripheral Nerve as a Target for Gene Therapy”, Eric Rabinovsky, K. Papakonstantinou, T. Nichols, M. Katash and Saleh Shenaq, 25th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, San Diego, California, November 11-16,1995.
  17. “The Future of Gene Therapy in Microvascular and Microneurosurgery”, Konstantinos Papakonstantinou M.D., Invited Presentation 4th Symposium ‘Recent Advances in Orthopedics and Traumatology’, The International Friends of Methodist Hospital and the Hellenic Association of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Athens, Greece, June 15-17, 1995 (personal presentation).
  18. “Adenovirus Mediated Gene Therapy for Post-anastomotic Thrombosis”, Eric Rabinovsky PhD., Konstnatinos Papakonstantinou M.D., Saleh Shenaq M.D., American Association of Plastic Surgery, San Diego, April 30 – May 3, 1995.
  19. “An Adenoviral Construct-Microvessel Thrombosis Model for Gene Therapy”, Eric Rabinovsky PhD., Konstantinos Papakonstantinou M.D., Mark Lussier M.D., Saleh Shenaq M.D., American Society of Reconstructive Microsurgery, Marco Island, Florida, January 13-17, 1995.
  20. “Effect of growth factors on expression of adhesion molecules and neurite growth”, Eric Rabinovsky PhD., Konstantinos Papakonstantinou M.D., Saleh Shenaq M.D., American Society for Peripheral Nerve, 4th Annual Meeting, Rye Brook, New York, May 13-15, 1994.
  21. “A Gene Therapeutic Approach to Peripheral Nerve Regeneration”, Eric Rabinovsky PhD., Konstantinos Papakonstantinou M.D., Yu-Chuan Pan M.D.,Saleh Shenaq M.D., Plastic Surgery Research Council. Ann Arbor, Michigan, June 4-7,1994.
  22. “An Adenoviral Construct-Gene Therapy for Nerve Regeneration”, Eric Rabinovsky PhD., Konstantinos Papakonstantinou M.D., Saleh Shenaq M.D., Plastic Surgery Research Council. Ann Arbor, Michigan, June 4-7,1994.
  23. “Current advances in Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty”, Konstantinos Papakonstantinou M.S. (5th year), Konstantinos Tentolouris M.D., Paul Toutouzas M.D.- Ph.D., Cardiology Grand Rounds, University of Athens Medical School, Department of Cardiology, October 1990.




1.  Round Table: “Cell Therapies in Head and Neck Reconstruction”, 4th Hellenic Multidisciplinary Conference – Hellenic Society Head and Neck Oncology. September 14th-15th , 2019, Athens Greece.

2. Round Table: “Updates in Revision Rhinoplasty”, 2nd Conference in Rhinoplasty, Division of Functional Rhinology, HYGEIA Hospital, October 20th 2018, Athens Greece

3. Round Table:  “Fat grafting in Breast Reconstruction”. 3rd Breast Symposium – Breast Cancer New Developments, MITERA Hospital, April 27th – 28th 2018, Athens Greece

4. Round Table: “The Surgical Treatment of Oral Cancer”. 2st Hellenic Multidisciplinary Conference – Hellenic Society Head and Neck Oncology. September 16th-17th , 2017, Athens Greece.

5. Round Table: “Oral Cavity Cancer. New approaches in diagnosis and Surgical Treatment”. 1st Hellenic Multidisciplinary Conference – Hellenic Society Head and Neck Oncology. October 22-23rd , 2016. Athens Greece.


R E S E A R C H  E X P E R I E N C E


July 2000 – June 2001: Research Fellow, Division of Plastic and Reconstructive

Surgery, Department of Microsurgery, Microsurgery Research Center, Eastern Virginia Medical School, Director: Julia Terzis, MD, PhD

January 1994 – June 1995: Research Fellow, Division of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston. Director: Dr. Saleh Shenaq

A)   Principal Investigator / Co-investigator, Microsurgery Research Center at Eastern Virginia Medical School.


  1. “Neuroprotection of motor neurons after avulsion with gene therapy”. Grant by PSEF and ASSH.
  2. “The role of IGF-1 in promoting nerve regeneration in a distraction osteogenesis animal model”. Funded by the International Institute for Reconstructive Microsurgery.
  3. “Enhancement of Direct Nerve to Muscle neurotization with gene therapy”. Intradepartmental funds.
  4. “The effects of IGF-1 on end to side neurorrhaphies. A dose response study”. Intradepartmental funds. International Institute for Reconstructive Microsurgery.
  5. “Prevention of muscle denervation by sensory protection”. Grant by PSEF.


  1. Co-investigator during Research Fellowship at the Division of Plastic Surgery, Baylor College of Medicine.


  1. “Enhancement of Peripheral Nerve Regeneration with the use of Gene Therapy”. Submitted for funding to the National Institute of Health.
  2. “A Gene Therapeutic Approach for Prevention and Treatment of Thrombosis in Injured Vessels”. Intradepartmental funds.
  3. “ A Novel Approach to Inhibit Excessive Collagen Synthesis in Keloids using Antisense Oligonucleotide Technology”. Intradepartmental funds
  4. “The Role of Transforming Growth Factor – beta (TGF-B) in the Pathogenesis of Dupuytren’s Contracture”. Supported by the American Society for Hand Surgery (ASHS).
  5. “Effects of adhesion molecules (L1,NCAM) in peripheral nerve regeneration.

Intradepartmental funds

  1. “Regulation of nerve growth factors and corresponding receptors in diabetic rats”.

Intradepartmental funds

  1. “Development of an in vivo keloid model in rats”. Supported by Clayton Foundation.
  2. “Prevention of muscle atrophy and nerve degeneration in diabetic IGF-1 transgenic mice . Collaboration with the Department of Cell Biology, Baylor College of Medicine.

A W A R D E D  G R A N T S

  1. Plastic Surgery Educational Foundation (PSEF), $5000, “Neuroprotection of motor neurons after avulsion with gene therapy”.
  2. American Association for Hand Surgery (AAHS), $5000, “Neuroprotection of motor neurons after avulsion with gene therapy”.



  1. “ Outcomes of primary brachial plexus reconstruction in 74 patients with Obstetrical Brachial Plexus Palsy”. Julia Terzis M.D.-Ph.D. and Konstantinos Papakonstantinou M.D. Submitted for publication to Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, March 2016. Revisions
  2. “ Outcomes of secondary reconstruction in 24 patients with late Obstetrical Brachial Plexus Palsy”. Julia Terzis M.D.- Ph.D. and Konstantinos Papakonstantinou M.D. Submitted for publication to Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, March 2016. Revisions
  3. “ Abdominal reconstruction secondary to chronic enterocutaneous fistula with an anterolateral thigh perforator flap with extended tensor fascia lata”. Konstantinos Papakonstantinou, MD, Margaret Leow, MD, Peter Neligan, MB, FRCS, FACS. Submitted for publication in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, December 2016. Revisions.
  4. The diagnostic value of CT/Myelography and Electromyography in OBPP and correlation with intraoperative findings” Konstantinos Papakonstantinou, MD, JK Terzis, MD. Submitted for publication, J of Reconstructive Microsurgery, March 2016. Revisions.
  5. “ Lipofibromatosis Hamartoma: Experience with Secondary Reconstruction and the role of MRI in diagnosis”. Konstantinos Papakonstantinou, MD and Dimitri Anastakis, MD, PhD. Submitted to Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, August 2008.
  6. “The Surgical Treatment of Obstetrical Brachial Plexus Paralysis: The Norfolk Experience”. Julia K. Terzis, MD, PhD and Konstantinos C. Papakonstantinou MD. Seminars in Plastic Surgery 2004 Dec; 18(4): 359-375.
  7. “Outcomes of scapula stabilization in obstetrical brachial plexus palsy: a novel dynamic procedure for correction of the winged scapula”.
    Terzis JK, Papakonstantinou KC. Plast Reconstr Surg 2002 Feb; 109(2): 548-561.
  8. “Muscle preservation by prolonged sensory protection”. Papakonstantinou KC, Kamin E, Terzis JK. J Reconstr Microsurg 2002 Apr;18(3):173-182; discussion 183-184.
  9. “Distraction osteogenesis using Igf-I after nerve microreconstruction”.
    Papakonstantinou KC, Shiamishis G, Bates M, Terzis JK. J Reconstr Microsurg 2002 Jul;18(5):401-410.
  10. IGF-I and end-to-side nerve repair: a dose-response study”.
    Tiangco DA, Papakonstantinou KC, Mullinax KA, Terzis JK. J Reconstr Microsurg 2001 May;17(4):247-56
  11. The surgical treatment of brachial plexus injuries in adults”. Julia Terzis MD, PhD and Konstantinos Papakonstantinou, MD. Plast Reconstr Surg 2000; 106(5): 1097-1124.
  12. “Management of Obstetrical Brachial Plexus Palsy”. Julia Terzis MD, PhD and Konstantinos Papakonstantinou MD. Hand Clinics 1999; 15 (4): 717-736.
  13. “Metastatic breast cancer disease 40 years after the initial diagnosis”. Pikoulis E., Varelas PN, Lechago J., Papakonstantinou K., Asimakopoulos PJ. Chest 1998; 114(2): 639-641.
  14. “Benign Retroperitoneal Neural Sheath Tumors in Patients without ‘von Recklinghausens’ Disease”. Elias Bastounis MD, P.J. Asimakopoulos MD, E. Pikoulis MD, Ari K. Leppaniemi MD, Konstantinos Papakonstantinou MD, Ephstathios Papalambros MD. Scandinavian Journal of Urology and Nephrology 1996; 31: 129-136.

C O U R S E S   A T T E N D E D


February 2004: Flap Dissection Course, Mt. Sinai Hospital, University of Toronto, Department of Plastic Surgery. Instructor: Peter Nelligan., MD.


November 2003: Craniofacial Surgery Dissection Course, Mt. Sinai Hospital, University of Toronto, Department of Plastic Surgery. Instructor: Oleh Antonyshyn MD.


May 2002:

Microsurgery Course, Mt. Sinai Hospital, University of Toronto, Department of Plastic Surgery. Instructor: Peter Nelligan., MD.

July 1998:

Microsurgery Course, Microsurgery Research Center, Eastern Virginia Medical School and International Institute of Reconstructive Microsurgery, Norfolk. Supervisor : Julia Terzis, M.D., Ph.D. .

June 1997:

ATLS Course, Division of Trauma Surgery, Department of Surgery, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. Supervisor : William Schwab, M.D..

November 1995:

ACLS Course, American Heart Association and Thomas Jefferson Medical School.

February 1995:

Psychomotor Skills Workshop, Division of Plastic Surgery, Baylor College of Medicine.

July 1994:

Microsurgery Course, Baylor College of Medicine, Cora Webb Mading Department of Surgery, Division of Plastic Surgery, Microsurgery Laboratories. Supervisor: Saleh Shenaq, M.D..

December 1991:

Telemedicine Research Course, European Union, University of Athens Medical School, Athens.

April 1992 :

Aviation Medicine Course, 251 General Hospital Hellenic Air Force and NATO Headquarters, Brussels, Belgium.


M E D I C A L   L I C E N S E S


  • Commonwealth of Virginia, July 1998, MD – 0101057830.
  • College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario, August 2001- CPSO reg. 77007.
  • Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, July 1995, MT – 037011-T.
  • Greece, July 1992, 7941/92.
  • United Kingdom, July 1994, Reg. 4115968.




  1. Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada, 2004
  2. European Board of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 2004
  3. Board Eligible, American Board of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 2006
  4. Hellenic Health Ministry Examinations in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 2004




Scholarship in Microsurgury, July 1998-June 2000, “Alexander Onassis” Public Benefit Foundation.


A W A R D S  and  H O N O R S


  1. First Award, Co-Author Basic Science Research Category Essay Contest of the American Plastic Surgery Educational Foundation (PS-EF)”, April 1995. “A Gene Therapeutic Approach to Treat or Prevent Thrombosis”. Eric Rabinovsky PhD, Konstantinos Papakonstantinou MD, Saleh Shenaq MD..
  2. “Honorarium”, Award by the Hellenic Association of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatiology and The Greek Friends of Methodist Hospital , June 1995.
  3. “Award of Academic Excellence and Ethos”, awarded by the Greek Ministry of Education, July 1985.


M E M B E R S H I P S  and  A F F I L I A T I O N S


  1. General Secretary – Hellenic Society for Head and neck Oncology (2015)
  2. World Society for Reconstructive Microsurgery (Member 2005)
  3. American Society for Peripheral Nerve (Active Member 2005)
  4. International Society for Aesthetic plastic Surgery (ISAPS, Active Member since 2005)
  5. Hellenic Society of Plastic Surgery (Member 2005)
  6. Canadian Society for Plastic Surgery (Associate Member, 2002)
  7. Plastic Surgery Research Council (Associate Member) (2001)
  8. American Medical Association (1995).
  9. Pennsylvania and Philadelphia County Medical Society (1996).
  10. International Surgical Society “Michael E. DeBakey” (1994).
  11. American Association for the Advancement of Science (1994).
  12. National Geographic Society (1993).
  13. Panhellenic Medical Society (1992).
  14. Athens Medical Association (1992).




  1. English : “Certificate of Proficiency in English”, awarded by Cambridge University, United Kingdom.
  2. German : “Zentrale Mittelstufe Prufung” and “Kleines Diploma der Deutsche Sprache” both awarded by the “Goethe Institut” of Germany.


M I L I T A R Y   S E R V I C E 

Completed (21 months : January 1992 – October 1993)

  • Rank : Sergeant Doctor, Hellenic Air Force.
  • January 1992 – April 1992 : Basic military training.
  • July – August 1992 : Doctor of the 204 Squadron of the 114 Fighter Wing.
  • 15 months: Resident of the Orthopaedics Clinic of the 251 General Hospital of the Hellenic Air Force.


R E  F E R E N C E S


  1. Peter Nelligan, M.D., FRCS (C), Professor of Plastic Surgery, former Chairman Division of Plastic Surgery, Department of Surgery, University of Toronto. Current Chairman of Microsurgery at the University of Seattle.
  2. Ronald Zuker, MD, FACS, FRCS (C), Professor of Plastic Surgery, University of Toronto
  3. Julia Terzis, M.D., Ph.D., Associate Professor of Plastic Surgery, Eastern Virginia Medical School, Director of Microsurgical Research Center, Director of International Institute of Reconstructive Microsurgery, 700 Olney Street, Lewis Hall, Room 2055, Norfolk, VA 23501.
  4. John Semple, MD, FRCS (C), Professor of Surgery, University of Toronto, Chief of Plastic Surgery Sunnybrook and Women’s College Hospital, 76 Greenville Road, Toronto, Ontario.
  5. Panayotis J. Asimakopoulos, M.D., Ph.D., Clinical Professor of Surgery, Department of Surgery, Baylor College of Medicine, Professor and Chief of Cardiovascular Surgery, National University of Athens Medical School, Ypsilantou Street 37, Kolonaki, Athens 10675.